The Invisible Ark of God

The world is coming to an end quickly and cannot last longer than the next thirteen (13) Years from the year 2017; God says so. But there is being a better New World and only those who use the Invisible Ark will success now against the current great tribulation and make the New World.

The world is ending because apart from the fact that the time is fulfilled, evil and destruction has filled the earth by mankind and also because mankind itself has lost the dominion of God. And now this is business of saving mankind from this fallen world into another. greater one And just as it was in the times of Noah, only those who believe to use the Invisible Ark being revealed from all nations (tribes, people) will make the New World without tasting death. The meaning of it is that all mankind risked being killed in this present world-becoming-hell except they use the Invisible Ark being revealed:

What is the Broad use of the Invisible Ark?
1. It is to access very much of God's wisdom- to understand God and the times- what to do and what not to do effectively and to be successful and saved.
2. To have Power over Death: If you die, you may make heaven and not the New World. The New World is only for those who are able to withstand death and destruction of the end time (which has already begun) only by using the principle/instruction of the Invisible Ark.
3. To Receive Translation into the New World: The only way to enter into the New World is taking your responsibility to use the Invisible Ark by which God delivers you.  There is a qualification for the New World- it is a process of service over the time. The New World is not for angels or spirit but for mankind like you who should survive the end time tribulation which has already begun. If you doubt- search the scriptures.

Other uses of the Invisible Ark Includes:
4. The Unity Order: It is the global unity order of the faith and the world to God in true worship and service. This is the end time gathering to God for the second coming.
5. To Regain Dominion of the World: right now, those who should exercise the dominion of God have lost it. And the only way to regain it for the success in the world against evil is to use the Ark effectively as being revealed.
6. The Fall out and Rebellion:  Those who rejects the Invisible Ark  has fallen off and rejected the grace of God because they have rebelled and continue to rebel against the Everlasting Covenant of Faith, love and grace. And therefore the spirit or the antichrist shall fill them through which one of them shall arise as leader of the rebellion.
6. The Revelation of the Son of Man: The only way the son of man for the second coming will be revealed is to those who use the Invisible Ark by watching-service. He will only reveal/manifest himself to those who are obeying. That is why- mary and Martha could not recognize Him until He revealed Himself and so it was to the men on their way to Emmaus who were His disciples forehand.

The Desire to Save the World
It is true that many people are trying to save the world from the poverty and destruction (the tribulation). But can’t they see how it has worsened instead? Although they are looking for the next big thing in science, innovation, money and technology, system of governments etc that will save the present world so they may not want to hear this but this is true- the pursuit should only be the New World.

The present world has become like a sour soup that cannot really be regained but to make a one (a new world) as Noah and others begun this one from the last world. Therefore, the only thing remaining is to save mankind like you who will belive from this fallen world burning with fire into another. It is for only those who believe to use the Invisible Ark which is the end time instruction of generational greatness. God respects those who respects His instructions. 

What is the Provisional User Instruction of the Invisible Ark?
The provision of the Invisible Ark is God’s commandment of love and accurate revelation by the word in the power of the Holy Ghost that all righteous people of God in need of the end time greatness and freedom be awake: in prayers to God and service to mankind and creation between the hours of 11pm-1am (night) and 12noon (day) with the Blood of Jesus Christ pleaded on top of each hour DAILY (11pm, 12am, 1am and 12noon)

1.       It takes a person nine (9) months to qualify and to use it to have power over death, survive the tribulation and make exploit now.
2.       It is the greatest service to God, mankind and creation for your restorationhealingblessing and greatness now.
3.       Every seventh day is REST in the service by the Ark.
4.    The Ark is the only transport and translation vehicle into the New World as a person is constantly purified in God's righteousness daily unto perfection.

the Night time is for study of the Word in all of its parts and entirety- it is the originally ordained time of effective devotion and fellowship with the Holy Ghost. Do something like Enoch now- by this knowledge and revelation in the Holy Ghost

There is no barrier- from any Location- this is the effective gathering of those who love God (the sons of God) from every location and tribe/people/nation to God and to activate supernatural intervention in their lives.  Make yourself a miracle by your obedience against all odds.

It may look foolish- bu use it in the grace- and so was the Noah's Ark. Start using the Ark and remain therein, it can be shut. And if you beleive, be qualified.

How to Effectively use the Ark Daily
Remember that your existence from the Invisible Ark ( by you effective Service and prayers) daily in the time redemption is your access to all of God’s possibilities. But of a truth, you may not be able to complete comply for two hours daily; and just because you obey less does not mean you are out of the Ark. Therefore you may use the following structure as revealed:
1.      Your 30 mins i.e 11:45pm-12:15am (plus 12noon) investment of your time/energy as your 30fold/percent
2.      Your 1hr 11:30:12:30am (plus 12noon) investment of your time/energy equals your 60fold/percent
3.      Your 2hours 11pm-1am (plus 12noon)  investment of your time/energy equals 100fold/percent
You should be the good ground whereby the Master says: “And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive [it], and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred”(KJV)  Mark 4:20. And you may start small and then increase by the day or as the spirit leads.

Stop wasting time/energy and resources
Stop wasting your time in prayers and service or killing your body and suffering your dear life unnecessarily; use God’s ordained system. Don’t pray just because you want to pray, but pray according to God will and ordinance.  As you can see, effective prayers/service in love, faith, and grace is obedience to God’s revelation by which the time ordinance is the foundation for your dominion- leadership and greatness.  Going to any church meeting without using the time is abuse of grace and ineffective understanding- it is wrong.  And no place or meeting or job, work or business is better or higher than praying, serving and taking dominion as revealed. This is the truth about life and God.   

This is a great privilege to have to living and to know this. Do not beta yourself with all kinds of ineffectively spiritually or argument against this. And if you need more explanation, you should simple ask for more. The answers are readily available.  And you have some of the revelations in bits by books better and private research or use.    

The Diagrammatically Representation (11) 

See the Diagrammatic Representation:

It is not compulsory to believe this- but beware, you have been told. Have faith and trust more in God by this. This is the best way to be saved in the world now and to receive a New World that is higher and greater than this. Originally without this you are rebellion against God's authority and commandment and see that you do not refuse so that it all be all good for your. See the following diagram and know where you should be. 

No one will see the new world without tasting dead if he or she refuses the Use the Invisible Ark by the faith of Christ now.

The Mercy of God (12)
Do not begin to say ‘oh I wish I know’, ‘God is holy- so let me be’ in order to forsake this. Do not say God did not speak to you- He is by this.  This is the mercy of God for mankind to be saved and restored from their own destruction; I mean from the destruction they have caused and allowed upon the earth. And you should know that the mercy of God is highly in revelation of God instruction or responsibility of man to connect to the possibilities of God.

 BE Careful : because of a truth, as you begin this even for a day, you will begin to be very successful and experienced serious peace of mind and change bodily and other wise. But  the trap is that you may want to start disobeying or sleeping to neglect this. Do not do so my beloved or you will harm your  soul. Obey God and seek to know open the word by this- the seal is broken. The best way to start using the Invisible Ark is to change your daily devotion the between the last and first hour daily e.g 11:45pm-12:15am and obeying the noon hour prayers. You will experience miracles and understand more. Do not try to stop this when especially as things start working for you or to start claiming you are busy... Whosoever rejects this rebel against God and the Everlasting Covenant of grace, love and faith.

This is truly building New World Leaders in time and in times. Choose to be one today and get connected for a better understanding.  Except you do something different as being revealed, I tell you something different is happening to the world and many out there.
